Veterans Day Poems | Thank You Poems for Veterans 2024

Veterans Day Poems 2024

Veterans Day Poems: Hello Everyone, We wish you a Happy Veterans Day 2024 to my all friends & site visitors. Veterans Day has huge significance for Americans as they remember the sacrifices of those soldiers with the help of whom they breathe the fresh air of freedom.

Are you searching for Veterans Day Poems 2024? Here in this post, shared an amazing collection of Happy Veterans Day Poems 2024, especially for you. Veterans Day is a national holiday in the United States of America. The famous Veterans Day speech of General Logan was historic in the 1870s.

American history is rich and tells about the brave soldiers who died fighting in the Civil War for the sake of independence. Initially, Veterans Day was also referred to as Decoration Day since the graves and cemeteries were decorated with flowers, flags, etc. Many remarkable Veterans Day speeches have been made since then.

Veterans Day Poems and Rhymes from school kids are humble way to Honor the US Armed Forces. Mostly School and church arranged gathering to aware the coming generation about the hero’s of past. These elementary school kids should know that the freedom and independence that they are enjoying was not free.

Civil rights and individual protection and prosperity was not free someone has paid the price long ago. Soldiers have sacrificed their lives and more than that they have dignity and devotion to prefer the nation over their assets and families. Veterans Day Poems depict the resolution this day in clear vision.

Veterans day endorsed the nation of heart with humbleness against US Army. The Most waited day in US history a day of remembrance and armistice that celebrated every year on 11th November. So Students are always excited in such brave activities. Short and famous Veterans Day poems and Prayers are so much ignite full for their patriotism and enthusiasm.

Veterans Day Poems and Religious Prayers related to Veterans Day are the most hot and patriotic way to wish this day. People summoned in Church to Prayer about veterans and those who are serving in Armed Forces of America.

Veterans Day Poems and Speeches are specially prepared to hold a contest between students in schools and colleges. Teens likes this day more than their prom Nights. Some sings poems and poetry about Armistice Day in the evenings on the rooftop of nearer building. Someone likes the images about the Veterans Day to draw them and create the master piece of their choice.

Veterans Day Poems

Veterans Day Poems 2024
  1. Freedom in America
    Isn’t really free;
    We often pay a price
    To keep our liberty.Veterans Day Poems!!
  2. Remember those we loved,
    Who fought for us, and died;
    And those we never knew
    For whom others mourned and cried.
  3. When you see someone in a uniform,
    Someone who serves us all,
    Doing military duty,
    Answering their country’s call,
    Happy Veterans Day Poems!!!
  4. Take a moment to thank them
    For protecting what you hold dear;
    Tell them you are proud of them;
    Make it very clear. Veterans Day Poems!!
    Happy Veterans Day 2024!
  5. I lay here today a soldier
    I know some don’t understand
    I will try to explain
    So maybe you can. Veterans Day Poems!!
  6. Vets ate free at Applebee’s
    To honour them this day,
    A heartfelt offer bringing
    Good publicity their way.
  7. Lots of stores gave discounts, too,
    To soldiers with I.D. Veterans Day Poems!!
    And many took advantage
    Of this generosity.
  8. Wàr
    ì wìttnèssèd à wàr just yèstèrdày,
    bèìng thè rèàson for much dìsmày,
    ì’m sorry for àll thè dèàth ànd blood,
    ànd àll thè soldìèrs ìn thè mud,
    ì wìsh ì could stop ìt just càn’t bè donè,
    ì’ll nèèd èvèrybody ìncludìng à nun,
    ì’ll nèèd jèsus to forgìvè our sìns,
    thàt knock us down lìkè bowlìng pìns,
    ì’ll nèèd èvèrybody to rèàd thìs poèm,
    ìn hopès thàt àll thè soldìèrs gèt bàck homè.
  9. Henry“Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys. Look at them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death!” – Sun Tzu
  10. In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot. Veterans Day Poems!!

Thank You Veterans Day Poems 2024

Thank You Veterans Day Poems: There are enormous ways to thank a veteran. The self creation is triggered by only when something really hits your mind and heart. It can be Thank You Veterans Day Poems, Quotes, Veterans day posters, cards and e cards to honor the Army on the National Holiday of 11th November.

Thank You Veterans Day Poems recited in schools and church to wish this day. Self-written Thank You Veterans Day Poems are gift from parents to Son, Wife to husband, Father to son and between beloved daughters to her Father.

Veteran day is all about the warmest Motivation and inspirational stuff. Everyone has developed or adopted their way to wish this day. This day has proclaimed first time in 1918 and celebrated in 1919 under the title of Armistice Day.

Teens like Thank You Veterans Day Poems Images of veterans, fathers like the quotes and books and grandfathers like those moments in which he survived to carve this sacred land with the blood of their friends.

Thank You Veterans Day Poems

1. A Salute to Service | Thank You Veterans Day Poems

In the echoes of battles, in the silence of the night,
A soldier stands tall, his heart filled with might.
With gratitude in our souls, our voices unite,
Saluting the heroes who fought for our rights.

2. Courage in Uniform | Thank You Veterans Day Poems

In the uniform of courage, they stand so bold,
Stories untold, yet in their eyes, it’s all foretold.
Veterans, our guardians, in memories unfold,
With every step they’ve taken, every story they’ve told.

3. Fields of Valor | Best Thank You Veterans Day Poems

Fields of valor, where heroes rest,
Each name etched, their deeds the best.
On this Veterans Day, we attest,
To the brave hearts, we are forever blessed.

4. Freedom’s Symphony | Thank You Veterans Day Poems

In the symphony of freedom, a veteran’s song,
Notes of sacrifice, played all along.
Through battles fought, and struggles strong,
A melody of courage, lasting and strong.

5. Thank You Veterans Day Poems | Patriot’s Pledge

To the ones who served, a pledge we make,
Gratitude in our hearts, for freedom’s sake.
In the footsteps of heroes, we strive to partake,
A commitment to honor, no words can fake.

6. Thank You Veterans Day Poems| A Soldier by Robert Frost

A Soldier by Robert Frost is one of the most famous poems used for Veterans Day tributes.

He is that fallen lance that lies as hurled,
That lies unlifted now, come dew, come rust,
But still lies pointed as it plowed the dust.
If we who sight along it round the world,
See nothing worthy to have been its mark,
It is because like men we look too near,
Forgetting that as fitted to the sphere,
Our missiles always make too short an arc.
They fall, they rip the grass, they intersect
The curve of earth, and striking, break their own;
They make us cringe for metal-point on stone.
But this we know, the obstacle that checked
And tripped the body, shot the spirit on
Further than target ever showed or shone.

Happy Veterans Day Poems 2024

Happy Veterans Day Poems: Numerous traditions are attached to the Veterans Day celebration. Flags, Bugle calls, Speeches, Poppy-wearing, etc. are some significant customary artifacts associated with Veterans Day. The primary theme of every Happy Veterans Day Poems remains to honor the military. The soldiers who are serving the US forces are talked about in the Veterans Day speeches.

Cemeteries can be seen adorned with flowers and flags and Veterans Day poems are sung over loudspeakers. This day extends to honor and commemorate the precious lives of the martyred soldiers who shed their blood to fight for the country.

The holiday tradition of delivering Veterans Day speeches is; however, the most significant one since the veterans and local speakers mention the bravery and valor of the dead soldiers. To pay respect and homage to the dead, the Veterans Day speeches hold much importance. Ronald Reagan was the most popular figure for delivering commendable and historical Veterans Day speeches for the first time.

Happy Veterans Day Poems and Veterans Day thank you is a lot more than we think it to be. It is not a mere three-day celebration. It is indeed something that reminds us of the martyrs and aces us to realize the importance of peace and war.

Veterans Day is celebrated on the 11th of November each year. It is a unique day in which people honor the living heroes and pay tribute to the dead ones. The federal holiday witnesses people holding sporting events, family gatherings, and other activities.

The beginning of the summer marks the celebration of Veterans Day thank you. On this day, people celebrate by cleaning their homes, cooking dishes, and barbequing stuff. They can also visit parades that reflect the earnings of this day. The military personnel has made us secure and happy. Their sacrifices should never be forgotten. People truly understand the importance of Veterans Day thank you.

They greet each other through social media tags, Happy Veterans Day Poems, and cards. The importance of life and sacrifice should always be appreciated. One must understand the fact that we are living in utmost protection and peace through the sacrifices made by the militants.

Veterans Day is even celebrated in schools, colleges, and universities as a symbol of appreciation. Various Veterans Day poems are sung, and speeches are delivered. Download these Amazing Happy Veterans Day Poems with Images for free by clicking on poem Images and saving Images on your mobile or desktop.

Happy Veterans Day Poems

1. Veterans Day Limerick | Happy Veterans Day Poems!!

There are times we want to forget,
Like when troubles and sadness we’ve met,
But this day in November
We’ll always remember
The heroes to whom we’re in debt.

They were young, full of life and ambition,
But some dreams never reached their fruition.
With their lives put on hold,
They were daring and bold
And accomplished their ultimate mission.

Most returned when the battle had ended,
Some with wounds that would never be mended.
Many others did not,
Having died where they fought
While ensuring our home was defended.

But in spirit they’ll always be here.
To our hearts they will always be near.
While our eyes may be wet,
We will never forget.
Let’s remember each day of the year.

War is with us again on this day.
We have daughters and sons in the fray,
So let’s wish them Godspeed
And the wisdom we’ll need
So they’ll never again go away

2. Take A Moment To Thank A Veteran

When you see someone in a uniform,
Someone who serves us all,
Doing military duty,
Answering their country’s call,

Take a moment to thank them
For protecting what you hold dear;
Tell them you are proud of them;
Make it very clear.

Just tap them on the shoulder,
Give a smile, and say,
“Thanks for what you’re doing
To keep us safe in the USA!”

By Joanna Fuchs | Happy Veterans Day Poems!!

3. Why?

Why did you leave home and friends,
comfort and safety,
to experience pain and hardship,
so I could be protected?
I don’t know; but thank you.

Why did you put yourself in danger,
injury and death always a possibility,
so I could be free?
I don’t know; but thank you.

Thank you, veteran.
Thank you! Happy Veterans Day Poems!!

4. The Best on Earth:
A Veteran’s Day Tribute

If someone has done military service,
They earn the title “veteran,” and more;
They earn our deep respect and admiration;
That they are special no one can ignore.

They sacrificed the comforts we enjoy;
The list is long of all the things they gave.
Our veterans are extraordinary people;
They’re loyal, dedicated, true and brave.

When terror and invasion were real threats,
They showed us they could handle any storm.
We owe our freedoms and our very lives
To our veterans, who served in uniform.

Our veterans should be celebrities;
They’re exceptional; no other group compares.
We’re grateful for the many things they’ve done;
They’re always in our hearts and in our prayers.

We owe our veterans support and friendship;
Let no one ever question what they’re worth.
These men and women served us and our country,
Our veterans–the very best on earth.

By Joanna Fuchs

5. On Veterans’ Day

While we were here at home,
They traveled land and sea,
To make sure we stayed safe,
To protect and keep us free.

Words are not enough
To give them what they’re due.
On Veterans’ Day, please thank them
For their service, to me and you.

By Joanna Fuchs

6. Secret Respect

There’s not a Fascist in the USA
Who doesn’t, in their true heart, say
I’m thankful for those who serve and fight,
So I can peacefully sleep at night.

No partisan politics can keep away
The gratitude I feel, but cannot say
To veterans who kept America secured,
With all the hardships they endured.

Away from family, friends and more,
They knew what they were working for:
Keeping freedom really free
For the right, the middle, and even me.

Veterans, you have my deep respect,
Even if it isn’t politically correct.

By Joanna Fuchs

7. from “1915: The Trenches”
Conrad Aiken – 1899-1973

All night long we lie
Stupidly watching the smoke puff over the sky,
Stupidly watching the interminable stars
Come out again, peaceful and cold and high,
Swim into the smoke again, or melt in a flare of red…
All night long, all night long,
Hearing the terrible battle of guns,
We smoke our pipes, we think we shall soon be dead,

We sleep for a second, and wake again,
We dream we are filling pans and baking bread,
Or hoeing the witch-grass out of the wheat,
We dream we are turning lathes,
Or open our shops, in the early morning,
And look for a moment along the quiet street…
And we do not laugh, though it is strange
In a harrowing second of time
To traverse so many worlds, so many ages,
And come to this chaos again,
This vast symphonic dance of death,
This incoherent dust. Happy Veterans Day Poems!!

8. Field Manœuvres
Richard Aldington – 1892-1962

The long autumn grass beneath my body
Soaks my clothes in dew;
Where my knees press into the ground
I can feel the damp earth.

In my nostrils is a smell of crushed grass,
Wet pine-cones and bark.

Through the bronze pine trunks
Glitters a silver segment of road.

Interminable squadrons of silver and grey horses
Pace in long ranks the blank fields of heaven.

There is no sound;
The wind hisses gently through the pine-needles;
The flutter of a finch’s wings about my head
Is violent as distant thunder,
And the shrill flight of a gnat
Sounds loud and clear.

I am “to fire at the enemy column
After it has passed”—
But my rifle (loaded with “blank”)
Lies untouched before me,
My spirit follows the gliding clouds
And my lips murmur of the mother of beauty
Standing breast-high in golden broom
Among the English pine-woods! Happy Veterans Day Poems!!

9. Not to Keep
Robert Frost – 1874-1963

They sent him back to her. The letter came
Saying… and she could have him. And before
She could be sure there was no hidden ill
Under the formal writing, he was in her sight—
Living.— They gave him back to her alive—
How else? They are not known to send the dead—
And not disfigured visibly. His face?—

His hands? She had to look—to ask,
“What was it, dear?” And she had given all
And still she had all—they had—they the lucky!
Wasn’t she glad now? Everything seemed won,
And all the rest for them permissible ease.
She had to ask, “What was it, dear?”


Yet not enough. A bullet through and through,
High in the breast. Nothing but what good care
And medicine and rest—and you a week,
Can cure me of to go again.” The same
Grim giving to do over for them both.
She dared no more than ask him with her eyes
How was it with him for a second trial.
And with his eyes he asked her not to ask.
They had given him back to her, but not to keep.


We hope you like the above collection for Veterans Day Poems Sayings, and Images Pictures. Please share these Veterans Day Poems Sayings and Happy Veterans Day Poems Sayings on your Facebook Profile, and share them with your friends or family members on Veterans Day to show your gratitude towards all the Veterans who have served our nation.

You can use these famous Veterans Day Poems Sayings and Images Pictures 2024 and share them on all social media sites like WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and other social networking sites.

Read More – Veterans Day Message 2024 | Thank You Veterans

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